Throat Spots
Strep Throat
The most typical symptoms of this common illness are a severe sore throat, fever and reddened tonsils. Other indications of strep may include white, yellow or red throat spots, fatigue, nausea, rash and swollen lymph nodes. A doctor diagnoses strep by swabbing the back of the throat.
Thrush is a yeast infection most often occurring in young children, older adults and those with compromised immune systems. It is characterized by white spots on the throat and/or elsewhere in the mouth, which can have a cottage cheese-like appearance. Anti-fungal medications may be prescribed to treat thrush.
This virus is common amongst children and is often accompanied by fever, sore throat or painful swallowing. Spots are usually whitish-gray in color with a red border and they may be found elsewhere on the body, in particular on the hands and feet. Herpangina usually clears up without treatment within a week.
Rare Causes
Spots with a wart-like appearance could indicate laryngeal papillomatosis, a form of the human papilloma virus that most often occurs in infants and toddlers but can be present in adults. Dark spots may be due to minor trauma caused by coughing or eating. Also bear in mind that mononucleosis and strep frequently coexist, so a strep diagnosis accompanied by extreme fatigue may warrant further investigation.