Throat Illnesses
Tonsillitis is an infection that causes the tonsils to swell. The tonsils are located on the back of the throat, and are an active part of the body's immune system Their purpose is to trap and kill bacteria that find their way into the body. Signs of tonsillitis include high temperature, swelling of the tonsils and a covering of white spots on the tonsils.
Pharyngitis is a sore throat brought about by an inflammation of the back of the throat. It will cause you to have an itchy throat and painful swallowing. Pharyngitis is a common condition amongst children and young adults. The two types of pharyngitis are acute and chronic. Acute is the cause of a viral infection, whereas chronic pharyngitis is a continuous sore throat over a long period.
The larynx is commonly known as the voice box; inflammation of the larynx is known as laryngitis. This inflammation is usually due to a viral infection or an overuse of the voice. The illness is common amongst singers. Symptoms of laryngitis include hoarseness of the voice accompanied by a sore throat.