Fish Tail Fungus
Tail and fin rot can be caused by poor tank conditions. It can also be caused by tuberculosis and may serve as an outward sign of the disease as the extremities begin to lose color. Another cause for tail or fin rot is the biting of other fish in the tank or even a simple injury.
Tail and Fin Rot
Tail rot or fin rot is most commonly experienced by the fancy goldfish species. It is a progressive disease that begins along the edges of the tails or of the fins. If the condition is left untreated, it will start expanding inwards attacking more of the fish's body. A fish cannot regenerate the tissue.
The first thing to do is to determine what the cause is. If the cause is a dirty tank, then you can start with that. Often, you will need to administer antibiotics with the fish's food to ensure recovery. Others suggest the use of peroxide mixtures. Tail rot is very curable if caught in time and effectively addressed.