What Does a CBC Test For?
CBC Measurements
A CBC measures the number of red blood cells (RBCs), white blood cells (WBCs) and platelets in a given volume of blood. It also provides information about the composition and size of the red blood cells. Abnormally high or low test results may indicate the presence of a disease process.
Blood Cell Functions
Each cell type measured by a CBC performs a specific function within the body. RBCs contain hemoglobin, a chemical that binds oxygen and carries it to the body tissues. WBCs fight bacteria, viruses and other foreign invaders. Platelets are essential for normal blood clotting.
CBC and Disease
According to Lab Tests Online, low RBC values may indicate anemia, while abnormally high results may suggest dehydration. Increased numbers of WBCs often accompany infection and inflammation. Abnormally high or low platelet counts may indicate the presence of a clotting or bleeding disorder. CBCs can also reveal blood and bone marrow cancers.