How to Understand Results of a WBC
The WBC count measures the number of WBCs in a cubic millimeter of blood, according to "Medical-Surgical Nursing." The WBC differential shows the proportion of each type of WBC.
There are five main types of WBCs, according to "Microbiology." These are neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, monocytes and lymphocytes.
Produced in the bone marrow, different WBCs perform different immunological functions, according to "Human Physiology." Their numbers and proportions vary depending on such factors as the presence of an infection, a parasite or drugs that suppress bone marrow.
Overall Number
A WBC count above 9,000 could indicate infection, leukemia or tissue death (necrosis). A count below 4,000 could indicate bone marrow depression.
A high proportion of neutrophils could suggest a bacterial infection. A low proportion could result from chemotherapy. To interpret WBC findings, consult your physician.