How to Reduce Parasites With a pH-Balanced Diet
Parasites require a host to live, and once they get into the body, they can live in the intestines of people and animals. But they need the proper environment to flourish. In unhygienic situations, parasites can be transmitted from polluted food, but it is commonly seen that while some people get violently sick, others maintain their health. One of the main reasons for this is that some people have stronger immune system than others. The ability of the immune system to protect the body and reduce internal parasites can be increased by balancing the body's pH levels. Here are some steps that you can take to create a healthy, alkaline and pH balanced state of the body where harmful bacteria, fungus, yeast and microorganisms like parasites won't be able to grow.Things You'll Need
- Green vegetables, sprouts, soy products and seeds
- Clean, purified water
- Green food nutritional supplements (optional)
Learn about what foods are acid-forming and what foods are alkaline-forming because food we eat can change our body pH level. The normal blood of a human being will be slightly alkaline, with a pH level of 7.356 on the pH scale.
Avoid acid-forming foods. Foods that contain large amounts of sugar, high fructose corn syrup, wheat and simple carbohydrates--including traditional staples like candy bars, carbonated drinks, coffee, tea, bread, rice, potatoes and pasta--are acid-forming foods. A high acid balances creates high levels of yeast and fungi inside the body which help parasites live and reproduce in the tissues and organs of their infected human hosts.
Avoid large quantities of traditional high-protein foods like eggs, cheese and meats because they also ultimately lead to higher acid levels in the body.
Eat more alkalizing foods.Consume at least 80 percent alkaline-forming foods including vegetables, greens, sprouts, soy products and most kind of seeds. Never make more than 20 percent of your diet neutral or acid-creating foods.
Drink lots of clean, purified water to help flush out the parasites. Alkaline water has a pH value between 9 and 11 on the pH scale and has been reported to neutralize harmful acid wastes and gently dismantle parasites from tissues and organs.
Enjoy good health! When pH balance is achieved, the acidic environment and breeding ground for parasites is eliminated. The parasites cannot easily reproduce, and the remaining parasites eventually die out.