Wet Sauna Benefits

According to the North American Sauna Society, saunas have health benefits beyond just relaxation. There generally is no difference noted between a dry sauna and a wet sauna, which is also called a steam bath . The benefit is related to generating enough sweat and heat to detoxify and relax the body.
  1. Muscle Relaxation

    • The heat of a wet sauna causes the body to release endorphins that relieve pain and relax muscles. Athletes often use wet saunas to decrease pain after a workout and relax muscles so they can increase their range of motion.

    Improve Circulation

    • Soaking in a wet sauna can improve circulation and blood flow. In the heated environment of the sauna, blood vessels expand and flow to the extremities increases. According to the American Sauna Society, frequent sauna bathing also helps to lower blood pressure.

    Stress Relief

    • Wet sauna bathing helps to relax the body and mind, and people often use the sauna to alleviate stress.

    Cardiovascular Workout

    • The high heat of a steam sauna causes the heart rate to increase and blood vessels to expand. The result is similar to mild workout, such as brisk walk. With the wet sauna, you can get this cardiovascular workout without having to strain muscles and joints.

    Weight Loss

    • The heat of the wet sauna creates a reaction similar to exercise, including burning calories. The average session in a sauna burns about 300 calories and can be used in combination with diet and exercise to help with weight loss.

    Better Sleep

    • The endorphins released while in a wet sauna along with higher body temperature can help people get deeper sleep.

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