How to Identify Symptoms of a Fungal Sinus Infection
How to Identify Symptoms of a Fungal Sinus Infection
There are four types of fungal sinus infections: chronic invasive fungal sinusitis, fungal ball, acute invasive fungal sinusitis and allergic fungal sinusitis.
Symptoms of chronic invasive fungal sinusitis and acute invasive fungal sinusitis include closed or blocked air passages, pain in nasal and sinus cavities, fever and other pain. These are the most severe sinus infections you could develop because the infection can spread to tissue throughout the body. If you've been exposed to fungi such as Aspergillus, Mucor or Rhizopus, you should seek medical attention immediately.
Symptoms of fungal ball infections include small infections that occur often. Sinus infections usually inhibit the ability to breathe normally, especially at nighttime when you're lying down. Other symptoms can include runny nose, headache, fever, pain in nasal and sinus cavities, excessive phlegm buildup and loss of appetite. Fungal ball infections may be treated with medication or surgery to remove the obstruction.
Many people suffer from allergic fungal sinusitis. Symptoms include excessive drainage of the nose, sneezing, coughing, phlegm buildup, persistent headaches, pain in nasal and sinus cavities and loss of appetite.
Because symptoms of fungal sinus infections mimic those of bacterial sinus infections, you should seek medical attention to determine which course of action to take. Many over the counter medications are for bacterial sinus infections and will have little affect on fungal sinus infections.