How to Spot Symptoms of Liver Disease
Observe for fatigue or loss of appetite. Both fatigue and loss of appetite are vague symptoms as well as indicators of numerous illnesses. Any marked fatigue and loss of appetite should be reported to your health care provider.
Search the patient or loved one for visible skin issues. Jaundice--a yellowing of the skin or whites of the eyes--is a well-known symptom of liver disease. In addition to that, skin rashes, itchy skin and spider- like blood vessels on the skin are also skin issues that are associated with liver disease.
Observe stool and urine color. An individual suffering from liver disease or problems may have dark-colored urine (versus the pale yellow of a well hydrated, healthy individual) or stool that is pale-colored or possibly bloody or tar-colored.
Assess for abdominal pain. Abdominal pain is a symptom of liver problems, but is also a symptom for many other illnesses or conditions. If you experience abdominal pain that makes it difficult for you to sit still, seek a medical consultation immediately.
Get to a doctor. Most of the symptoms mentioned bring little warning on their own and may go unnoticed. The combination of these symptoms, however, should signal the patient or caregiver to see a physician as soon as possible. The doctor will be able to further examine for issues like enlarged spleen, fluid in the abdomen and bone loss. These additional symptoms would have to be assessed under the eye of a professional.