How to Test for Hook Worm

Hookworm is a parasitic roundworm disease that works its way into the body through the skin, and ultimately fastens onto the intestinal wall of the patient. Hookworm infections are commonly found in tropical and subtropical third world countries where human feces are found on the ground. The hookworm larvae move from the feces into the soil and grow into small worms. They reach up from the soil until an unsuspecting person steps on them, at which point they burrow into the patient's body through their foot. Symptoms of hookworm infection include cramping and diarrhea.

Things You'll Need

  • Stool sample
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    • 1

      Make an appointment with your doctor and tell him that you suspect that you may have contracted hookworm.

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      At your appointment, share all travel history, symptoms and any symptoms that people you have been in contact with share.

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      Provide a stool sample to your doctor.

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      Have your doctor send your stool sample to a laboratory. The laboratory will check your stool for hookworm eggs. If eggs are found, you have a hookworm infection.

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