Skin Tags on the Face
Skin tags are medically referred to as acrochordons or as cutaneous papilloma. They have the appearance of a tiny piece of skin that protrudes from the body.
The face is an area especially prone to the development of skin tags. The most common spot on the face where skin tags present themselves is the eyelids. This is due to the constant skin-to-skin contact that takes place at the eyelids.
Skin tags can present themselves at other points on the face besides the eyelid. It is important to note that the skin tags on the face are the same as skin tags elsewhere, but skin tags on the eyelid need to be addressed by ophthalmologist.
While skin tags are technically considered tumors, they are not cancerous. Skin tags that are left untreated on the face and elsewhere on the body will not become a health hazard.
Skin tags are removed by being either cut, frozen, or burnt off. These procedures do not require anesthesia when the skin tag is relatively small. If the skin tag is large enough, doctors will administer local anesthesia.