Natural Remedies to Cure Fungal Sinusitis
Sinusitis can be caused by a bacterial or fungal infection, and is thought to follow a cold.
Fungal sinusitis can be classified as four types: fungal ball, allergic fungal sinusitis, chronic invasive sinusitis, and acute invasive sinusitis.
Fungal ball sinusitis is an overgrowth of fungal elements. History of recurrent sinus infections is a predisposing factor to this type.
Allergic fungal sinusitis is the most common form. Nasal polyps and thick drainage can be seen upon examination of the nose.
Acute invasive sinusitis quickly advances. This infection can grow deep into the tissue and bone.
Chronic invasive sinusitis is similar to the acute type as it can grow deep into the tissue and bone, but it advances slower.
Acute and chronic invasive sinusitis are the most serious type of fungal infection, but the least common.
Symptoms of the four types of fungal infections are similar to the bacterial type. Painful pressure behind cheekbones, pounding headache and blocked nose may be experienced. Other possible symptoms are thick, greenish-yellow mucus, post-nasal drip, irritating cough and bad breath.
The choice of natural remedies to cure fungal sinusitis may be used if a mild infection is suspected.
Inhaling steam vapors with chopped, fresh garlic is a simple, yet effective natural remedy for a fungal sinus infection. Bowing the head over a bowl of hot water, and inhaling the vapors, may thin the thick mucus, enabling drainage. Garlic juice or capsules can also be consumed, as garlic is thought to have antibacterial and anti-fungal properties.
A pineapple enzyme called bromelain is thought to break down mucus, fight infection and relieve symptoms of sinusitis.
Both olive leaf extract and goldenseal are thought to be effective in fighting fungal and bacterial sinus infections.
Consuming apple cider vinegar in water may be beneficial as it decreases mucus production.
Vitamin C has the ability to strengthen the immune system and reduce allergic reactions. Histamine is produced in the body and can cause inflammation and swelling of the mucous membranes. Vitamin C may reduce the histamine levels, thus reducing sinus congestion.
Quercetin is a flavonoid and naturally occurs in fruits and vegetables. Increasing the effectiveness of Vitamin C, quercetin blocks histamine, which can inhibit the inflammatory process involved in sinusitis.
The nutrient zinc kills the cold virus. Shortening the length of a cold or preventing a cold may reduce the risk that sinusitis will occur.
Building a healthy immune system can improve general health. Consuming a healthy diet, exercising, and drinking plenty of water may help in decreasing the susceptibility to infections.
Hydration is important, as it can thin out mucus naturally produced by the body, facilitating drainage of nasal passages.
If the symptoms of the sinus infection remain after using natural remedies, it's advisable to consult a physician, as the body's immune system may be weakened.