Mold & Dizziness
What Is Mold?
Mold, a form of fungi, are microscopic organisms. These parasites attach to damp organic materials to get nutrients needed for survival. Mold spores, the reproduction organs of fungi, can cause allergic reactions, and some studies suggests that they can even produce mold colonies in the human body and cause sinus infections.
Mold Contamination
When a house is contaminated, toxic black mold produces volatile mold colonies which grow in damp basements, in gutters, and in bathrooms around leaky toilets and leaky pipes. People exposed to toxic mold often experience dizziness.
Symptoms of Mold Infection
Symptoms exhibited by people exposed to toxic mold include dizziness, fatigue, respiratory problems, and pressure in the head. The Mayo Clinic report states that 94 percent of patients with chronic sinus infections had mold colonies in their sinuses.
In order to prevent toxic mold contamination that can cause dizziness, eliminate dampness caused by pipe leaks. Clean gutters frequently and stop groundwater seepage by draining water away from the house.
Lifestyle Change
Do not eat foods that contain mold, like mushrooms, dried fruits, and aged cheeses. Wear a mask when the mold count is high. Use an air conditioner to catch mold spores, and use a dehumidifier to eliminate dampness.