Betta Fungus Symptoms
Appearance from Bacterial Fungal Infection
One of the common significant findings among betta fish suffering from a fungus infection is the changes in their appearance. White patches are common, often seen along the body and the fins, which is fuzzy in appearance. These white growths may look like long strands of fine hair or may appear to look like small patches of white fuzzy strands. This type of symptoms manifested from a betta fish is caused by bacterial fungal infection.
Adding an aquarium salt to the water may help in healing these symptoms caused by bacterial fungus infection. It also gives added protection to the fish against progression of fungal infection to its body.
A more severe type of fungal infection may also cause growths of patches on the skin. The skin of the fish will look either smooth or slimy in appearance. The patch may be gray, white or milky with flushes along the skin. Raw flesh and blood from the outside of the body become obvious. There will be peeling of the betta skin as the infection progresses.
Behavioral Changes
A sick betta will manifest symptoms of reluctance to eat or not eating at all. Sometimes, some betta may spit their foods. Instead of actively swimming, an infected betta will likely to stay at the bottom of the water and only come up for air. It frantically swims around to look for something to scratch itself such as in plants, gravels or rocks.
Clamped Fins
A sick betta will likely bring its fins closer to its body. The fin will look like it is clamped and not flaring. It is a way by which a betta fish shows that it is not feeling well and sad.
White or Colored Poop
When a betta fish is inflicted with parasitic or bacterial fungus infection, one of its peculiar symptoms is a white or colored poop. Sometimes, internal fungal infection is incurable in its advanced stage but when proper medication is given in the early stage of the illness, the condition may be cured.