How to Get the Dioxins out of Your Body
Stay away from environmental and man-made sources of dioxin. These sources include industrial processes, such as chlorine bleaching, smelting, and pesticide manufacturing, and natural occurrences, such as forest fires and volcanic eruptions.
Don't come into contact with waste incinerators. The burning of solid waste and hospital waste releases large amounts of dioxins, particularly when the substances are not completely burned.
Avoid animal-based food products. Many animal-based food products, including dairy, egg, fish, shellfish, beef, poultry and pork products, are frequently contaminated with dioxins via polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB)-based waste industrial oil, as well as animal feed. In fact, these types of food products account for 90% of human exposure to dioxins, according to the World Health Organization. High levels of dioxins have also been found in guar gum, which is used as a thickening agent for meat products, dairy products, desserts and delicatessen products. Avoid these types of foods to help your body get rid of dioxins.
Don't use pesticides on your lawn and avoid products that are not certified organic. Eating more fruits and vegetables will help get rid of dioxins because you are eating less animal-based food products, but produce is often grown with pesticides, which contain dioxins. To get rid of dioxins, avoid using pesticides on your lawn and avoid ingesting them through your food by buying organic produce and other organic food options.