Health Effects of Home Heating Oil Spill
When a home heating oil spill occurs, the first goal is to avoid exposure to the oil. The area should be properly ventilated immediately. No person should be permitted to touch the oil or any object that has been exposed to the oil. The homeowner should call a company that specializes in oil spill cleanups. Anyone exposed to the oil may experience some health issues.
When a spill does happen, there are several health issues that may occur because of exposure to this toxic substance. Breathing oil vapors over a period of time may cause headaches, nausea, and dizziness. These vapors can cause irritation to the eyes, nose, and throat, which can lead to breathing difficulty. If skin contact does occur, mild skin irritation may result. Everyone needs to leave the area immediately until cleanup is completed to avoid exposure. Symptoms will cease when the spill has been cleaned up and odors have been eliminated.
If the spill is not cleaned up properly or a person is exposed for longer periods of time, symptoms can be much more serious. Long-term health issues can include liver and kidney damage, high blood pressure, and increased risk for cancer. An indoor air sample can be taken in order to determine whether there is still contamination and how much. This precaution would be advisable for someone who has prolonged or worsening symptoms. Limiting exposure to home heating oil is the most important step for avoiding health issues.