Granite Countertops & Illness
Potential Risks
The WHO says 6 percent to 15 percent of lung cancer worldwide is from radon exposure. Illnesses linked to radon gas and/or direct radiation exposure include lung tissue damage, lung cancer and leukemia. Radon is the second-leading cause of lung cancer in the United States and the leading cause among nonsmokers. The World Health Organization says radon causes between 6 percent and 15 percent of lung cancer worldwide.
According to Rice University nuclear physicist W.J. Llope, "If there is radon coming out of a stone, or direct radiation ... the stone ... will never ever stop (emitting radon or radiation) in your lifetime." Llope says alpha gamma rays are not dangerous but beta gamma ray emissions can penetrate the body, causing various illnesses.
Other Risks
Granite countertop cutters should wear protective masks to avoid breathing crystalline silica, which could cause silicosis, a condition of the lungs that could lead to disability or death.
Certain granite colors seem prone to higher levels of radon. Engineered commercial stones do not seem to contain radioactive elements.
Ventilating your home with fresh air helps to reduce radon levels. Cleaning the entire surface of the granite with an antibacterial agent will reduce exposure.
Any granite stone can emit radiation. Have random sections of the granite you own or plan to buy tested to determine if its emission is not above 4 picocuries per liter of air. You can purchase a do-it-yourself kit or contact a qualified professional in your state.