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Why Does My Spleen Hurt?
When the spleen becomes infected, it enlarges. Initially there may be no symptoms associated with an infected spleen, but tenderness is one possible symptom.
Polycythemia Vera
A condition known as polycythemia vera occurs when red blood cells multiply uncontrollably. Pain in the spleen is one symptom of polycythemia vera.
Injury that occurs during sports, an accident or other blunt force to the spleen causes trauma to the spleen and can result in pain.
Splenic Sequestration
Splenic sequestration results when blood gets trapped in the spleen. This causes the spleen to enlarge and become tender to the touch.
Sickle Cell Trait
Sickle cell trait is another cause of an enlarged spleen. As is often the case, when the spleen is enlarged as a result of sickle cell trait, it becomes painful.