What Are the Causes of Neck Lump & Mouth Pain?
Swollen Lymph Nodes
The lymph nodes are small clusters of cells that have ducts coming in and out of them. The lymph nodes manufacture antibodies to help fight infection out of the body. There are several lymph node clusters throughout the body, but several prominent sites reside in the neck. Sometimes, the lymph nodes can become swollen and painful. This is indicative of infection. Since the nodes in the neck are close to the mouth, you may have pain there as well. Swollen nodes are generally not a concern if it is temporary, but a doctor should be consulted if the swelling last for more than two weeks or if there are other symptoms associated with it such as nausea or weight loss. If the nodes are hardened or if the lumps are growing, that could be indicative of cancer.
Oral Cancer
Oral cancer has a high fatality rate because it is normally discovered late in its development. By the time it is diagnosed, the disease has frequently spread to other parts of the body such as the lymph nodes. Signs of oral cancer can include a sore or lesion in the mouth that does not heal for two weeks or a lump in the cheek. Other symptoms are white or red marks on the gums, a chronic sore throat or feeling something is stuck there, and swelling around the neck and jaw. Visiting a dentist is recommended in the case of oral symptoms and they can refer you to a doctor if necessary.
Tooth Abscess
A tooth abscess is an infection near the root of the tooth where bacteria has invaded the area between the tooth and the gum. As the infection grows, this space fills with pus and puts tremendous pressure on the nerve. Symptoms include extreme pain in the mouth and possibly in the ear and neck as well. The jaw and area in the upper neck may swell, and you could have a lump form in the mouth. A root canal will likely be needed, and you will need antibiotics to kill the infection. Consult a dentist as soon as possible in the event of these symptoms.