Signs & Symptoms of the West Nile Flu
No Symptoms
Most people who are infected with West Nile virus will experience no symptoms. This is called an asymptomatic infection. According to the CDC, "Most people, about 4 out of 5, who are infected with West Nile virus will not develop any type of illness. an asymptomatic infection, however you cannot know ahead of time if you'll get sick or not when infected."
Mild Symptoms
20% of people who are infected with West Nile will develop symptoms due to what is called "West Nile Fever." West Nile Fever is usually not serious and those infected will generally experience symptoms for three to six days. West Nile fever is very similar to other flues and viruses. It is important to see a physician when experience flu-like symptoms in case it is something more serious. Even though not everyone experiences serious symptoms when infected with West Nile fever, it is a possibility. The symptoms of West Nile Fever are the following: fever, headache, fatigue, skin rash, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, aches and pains, swollen lymph glands, lack of appetite, and a sore throat.
Serious Symptoms
West Nile Fever can turn into a more serious disease, such as West Nile encephalitis, West Nile Meningitis, or West Nile poliomyelitis. According to the Mayo Clinic, only 1% of those infected with West Nile virus will experience serious symptoms. These symptoms can be experienced for weeks. Some of the symptoms can be permanent or serious, so immediate medical attention is needed. Adults over the age of 50 are at the most risk for serious infections. Serious symptoms may include any of the following: headache, high fever, neck stiffness, confusion, disorientation, tremors, convulsions, muscle weakness, or paralysis.