What Are the Physical Side Effects of Fear?
What is Fear?
Fear is a moment of panic or anxiety which can be justified or unjustified. You may experience fear when you are required to speak in front of an audience, for example. But anxiety attacks can also seem to occur for no reason.
Physical Side Effects
Fear may cause headaches, diarrhea, sweating, rapid heartbeat and shortness of breath. You may experience one or more of these symptoms, as the experience is different for each person.
Why Does Fear Affect People Physically?
During moments of fear your body goes into "fight or flight" response. This is a normal instinct that's designed to help you survive when you are threatened. When your body is in this mode, you have increased adrenaline flowing, which causes the undesirable side effects of fear on your body.
Many people find relief from physical side effects of fear with meditation. Take slow, deep breaths and try to relax. Close your eyes and sit down in a comfortable position. Talking to a friend may help you calm down as well.
If you experience physical side effects from fear often, you may need to visit a physician. You might be prescribed medication to relieve anxiety, and this will alleviate your physical symptoms.
If you experience rapid heartbeat, fainting, or shortness of breath for a prolonged period, call your physician or visit your local emergency room immediately.