Maggots Removal
Maggots are eggs of parasitic flies found in decaying matter. These larvae or unhatched fly eggs are laid on places such as dog's skin, cows, garbage dumps, human and animal waste, on animal and human skin or on clothes and carpets. They are widely used for fishing as bait, but are a huge nuisance when they invade unwanted areas. They usually hatch in between six and 24 hours and in about four to 10 days, they move away from their breeding site to pupate. Fortunately, there are ways to eliminate these unwanted pests from your home or your pets.-
The key to controlling maggots is to prevent them in the first place. Keep all possible and potential places where they breed clean. If garbage is clean and kept disinfected regularly, the chances of maggots are reduced. Use of self-sealing trash cans is another way to prevent maggots. Bleaching powder (chlorine) can be used generously on the washbasins regularly. Meshed windows and doors can block flies from entering and thus laying eggs that turn into maggots. Never allow meat to stay in the trash bin for more than a day. Any container that has a residue of any food substance should be sealed tightly. Because maggots can also manifest themselves on fruit, dispose of rotting or bad fruit.
Chemical Control
Once a maggot infests your home or pet, they can be controlled. They are usually controlled by a substance called permethrin. Substances that contain permethrin can also be used on dogs, sheep, cows or other pets. Permethrin is found in some dog shampoos and should be used regularly until the larvae disappear. Maggots can cause infection in dogs or other animals, as well as in humans, so proper care is essential. Some day-to-day use substances such as hair spray and hydrogen peroxide can also be used to kill maggots, but be careful where you use or spray these items.
Non-Chemical Control
Some non-chemical methods can also be tried to eliminate maggots. Use a steam iron or fabric steamer to steam the location where the maggots are. The heat will kill them. You can also capture maggots using tape or put substances containing maggots in the freezer where the extreme cold will kill them. Fly traps are also good for trapping maggots and can be purchased in home improvement or home and garden stores.