Is Fungal Pneumonia Contagious?
Pneumonia is caused by liquid filling the small air sacs and airways in the lungs inhibiting the ability of the body to take in as much oxygen as it needs.
Fungal pneumonia is usually caused by the inhalation of fungi or bacteria. Some of these bacteria can remain in the nose and throat areas of an infected person and be transmitted to another by sneezing, coughing, kissing and hugging. So fungal pneumonia is contagious.
There are numerous symptoms associated with fungal pneumonia including the obvious chest pain that is associated with an inability to breathe. But other areas of the body can be affected including skin abscesses and ulcers, fever and an altered mental state.
A number of occupations carry a risk of fungal pneumonia. People who work with malt can be affected by malt-workers lung. Farmers may inhale bacteria contained in bird and rodent feces.
At Risk
One of the groups most at risk of fungal pneumonia are those whose immune systems are already compromised and cannot fight off the infection of an invading fungi or bacteria. Once identified through blood and urine tests the attacking fungi are treated using an anti-fungal drug.