How to Treat a Hacking Cough
Use a cough suppressant for a hacking cough. You can use a natural suppressant like mullein (a teaspoon in warm water every four hours), or use over-the-counter cough treatments that contain dextromethorphan. If these home treatments are not providing adequate relief, ask your doctor about stronger options. He might prescribe narcotic-based suppressants like codeine or hycodan to use for seven to 10 days. Narcotic drugs are very good for relieving cough and are safe as long as you use them as your doctor recommends.
Inhale steam to soothe the irritated lining of your bronchial tubes; this can reduce coughing. Drape a towel over your head, and breathe in the steam from a bowl or pot of hot water. Adding a few drops of eucalyptus or sage oil can increase the benefits.
Suck on cough drops or hard candy; they are good for dry coughs.
Add honey to warm water or tea. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, a study found this is more effective than over-the-counter cough medications.
Experiment with herbal treatments shown to ease cough. You should consult with a health care provider experienced in using natural medicine to determine the most effective supplement regimen; she also can suggest the appropriate dosages. Beneficial herbs for dry cough include peppermint, sundew, slippery elm and marshmallow.