Home Remedy for Dysentery
A mixture of dried orange peel and raisin seeds forms one remedy. Crush and ground 1 tbsp. of dried orange peel into a powder. Then crush 1 tbsp. of black raisin seeds. It is important to use only the seeds because the fruit of a raisin is a natural laxative and will increase the symptoms of dysentery. Mix the crushed raisin seeds with the powdered orange peel. Taking 1 tsp. of this mixtures works to stop mucus from passing in your stool as well as to heal the ulcer. This mixture should be taken once a day for four days.
Mango flower and pomegranate both have soothing and astringent properties that work to heal the ulcers in your intestine. There is a styptic action in mango flower that aids in the reduction of blood. Grind and mix 1 tbsp. of mango flower and pomegranate flower with a glass of buttermilk. This mixture should be consumed once a day for four days.
For another remedy, mix into a paste 1 tbsp. of pomegranate seeds, 1 tbsp. of raisin seeds and a pinch of salt. This combination is great to treat dysentery. It should be taken once a day for four days.
You also can add 60g of pomegranate rind to 250ml of milk. Boil this mixture until one-third of the milk has evaporated. This remedy should be divided and taken in parts, three times a day.
Another excellent home remedy recipe starts with grinding fenugreek seeds. Use ¼ tsp. of ground fenugreek seeds with 1 cup of yogurt, and put the leftover ground fenugreek seeds to the side for later use. This remedy works to clear your stool of mucus and should be taken three times a day for three days.
You also can mix 4 tsp. of yogurt with ½ tsp. of cumin seeds and ½ tsp. of fenugreek seeds. This mixture should be taken twice a day.
Apples and bananas are great for treating dysentery. Mash a banana and add a little salt. You can use that remedy throughout the day for fast results. For another remedy, cut ripe and sweet apples into pieces and steam them on a stove. The heat will turn the apples into a soft pulp. Let the steamed apples cool, and consume an average of 4 tsp. of them 3 to 4 times per day.