The Best Remedy for Hair Lice
Lice are incredibly small insects that live off human blood. Lice are able to live for several days without feeding on human blood, so they can be lurking on inanimate objects or clothing until they find their next victim. Lice can be easily caught through personal contact with someone who has lice or by using items that an infected person has used, such as hats, scarves, pillows, sheets, combs, clothing, furniture, towels, brushes, ear muffs, toys, hair accessories or any other item that is infested with lice. Lice can be effectively removed through different methods.-
Lice are commonly found among school age children because they can spread very quickly in school settings with all the close contact and sharing of toys. There are a few different types of lice that exist, such as head lice, public lice and body lice. Personal hygiene does not matter when is comes to being infected with lice., because lice prefer a clean scalp just as much as they do a dirty one. Hair lice symptoms are not always noticeable, but many people experience scalp itching, red sores on the scalp, irritability, and the sense that something is moving around in their hair. When taking a closer look at an infected persons hair you will notice dandruff like white dots at the base of the hair strands. Those white dots are nits otherwise known as lice eggs. The lice themselves can be a whitish or grayish in color and are 2 to 4 mm in size.
The best remedies to get rid of hair lice is to use different methods all together. One remedy is to use over-the-counter prescription lotions and shampoos. After you use shampoo you can saturate the hair with vinegar and leave it on for a few minutes and comb through the hair using a nit comb. Nit combs should be used for three to four days for about two weeks or longer. Combing the hair with a nit comb actually physically removes the lice eggs from the hair. Make sure to sanitize the comb after every comb through in hot soapy water so that you do not re-infest the hair with nits.
To make sure that lice do not come back again, you should wash all bedding and clothing in hot water about 130 degrees F. Then, clean and decontaminate all your furniture, vacuum floors, and bag up items that are too big to be washed, such as stuffed animals. Bagged up items should be sealed up for about two weeks to effectively kill the lice.