Safety of Tuberculosis Testing
Safety Concerns
According to, the Centers for Disease Control states that the TB skin test is safe for people of all ages, including children and pregnant women.
The Facts
A tuberculosis test, also known as the Mantoux skin test, determines if a person is infected with the tuberculosis bacteria. The TB vaccine contains a tiny amount of dead purified TB that is injected just under the top layer of the skin, usually on the upper left arm.
TB is an air-borne bacteria. Once it is inhaled into the lungs, the immune system prevents the bacteria from spreading through the body and remains in the lungs as a latent infection (LTBI) without symptoms.
Contagious Stage
Once the immune system weakens, the bacterium spreads through the bloodstream throughout the body and becomes contagious.
A TB test starts with a visit to a doctor, clinic or health department. Next is a medical history questionnaire, then a prick on the arm. Three days later, the area is checked for extreme reddening or inflammation, which may signal exposure to TB. If no signs are evident, all is well.