How to Naturally Shrink a Spleen
Things You'll Need
- Milk thistle supplement
- Ceanothus
Natural Remedies for Enlarged Spleens
Avoid sports and activities that may result in you falling or being jarred. A sudden jolt can cause your spleen to rupture, which requires emergency care and can be fatal.
Limit activities that cause your spleen to ache. Bending, dancing and cleaning are examples of activities that might further irritate your spleen.
Get plenty of rest. Resting allows your body to repair and heal itself, so give yourself a break and sleep in, take naps, and just generally take it easy.
Take a milk thistle supplement to support your liver and spleen. Milk thistle contains compounds that protect liver cells from damage. Since an inflamed spleen is often the result of an overworked liver, milk thistle can help correct the underlying problem. Milk thistle is difficult for the body to absorb, so look for concentrated milk thistle tablets. Take 200 mg two or three times a day as long as you continue to have symptoms.
Try the homeopathic remedy ceanothus, which helps to relieve chronic pain in the area of the spleen and is also recommended for enlarged spleens. Take one dose and wait to see if there is some improvement in how you feel. If there is, take a dose each time you start to feel the previous dose where off. If you don't notice an improvement, discontinue taking the remedy.
Talk to a yoga instructor about exercises that can help massage and support the spleen. The Pigeon, Seated Angle and Bound Angle poses can be good for your spleen. Make sure you have the instructor show you each pose, as proper form is very important in yoga. Listen to your body. If a pose feels good, do it. If it hurts, stop.