Reasons for Mouth Fungus
In general, mouth fungus is caused either by an imbalance or disruption in the normal chemistry in your mouth or by a weakening of your immune system due to an illness.
Antibiotic medications often kill beneficial bacteria that live within your mouth and help limit the growth of fungus, which can lead to oral thrush. In addition, corticosteroids such as prednisone suppress your immune system activities, which allows mouth fungus to grow.
Types of Diseases
Diseases or illnesses that contribute to mouth fungus include HIV or AIDS, chemotherapy or radiation treatment for cancer and diabetes, the Mayo Clinic reports.
Oral thrush is a common infection in infants whose immune systems are just beginning to develop as well as in older adults who wear dentures. In infants or the elderly, mouth fungus is typically not a reason for alarm unless the infection persists for more than two weeks, the U.S. National Library of Medicine reports.
If you are required to take antibiotics or corticosteroids, eating fresh yogurt that contains Lactobacillus acidophilus helps prevent oral thrush. People who wear dentures should be sure to clean them thoroughly each day and visit the dentist regularly to ensure that a proper fit is maintained in order to decrease the risk of mouth fungus.