Home Remedies for Diverticulitis
Foods and nutrients
Fiber is an essential mineral to normalizing your digestive tract. Diverticulitis may be caused by excessive pressure on your colon. A high-fiber diet helps to alleviate the pressure from your stool on your colon as well as normalize your stool. Cereals, whole-grains breads, beans, fruits and vegetables are all high in fiber. It is best to increase your fiber consumption gradually to receive the full benefits and prevent bloating.
You can also take psyllium which is high in fiber and promotes healthy movement in the intestines. You should drink a lot of water. Water is very important to soften the stool and relieve other symptoms of diverticulitis such as constipation.
You should eat a pear daily to reduce inflammation in your diverticula. Pineapples contain the enzyme bromelain which promotes healing in the colon as well as reducing inflammation. If you are suffering from diverticula, you can ease symptoms by eating numerous small meals a day. This reduces the pressure on the colon walls, which promotes a healthier digestion process.
It is important to maintain a regular exercise routine. Exercising increases the flood of blood throughout your body, including your colon, which helps to regulate your bowel movements. Any routine that increases your heart rate--such as running, swimming and walking--is effective. Exercising also relieves pressure on the colon that may cause inflammation of the diverticula.
Things to avoid
If you are a smoker, it is essential to stop smoking to relieve symptoms of cramping. Smoking works against your body and increases the symptoms of cramping. This occurs when smoke is inhaled your blood supply decreases throughout your body. You should also avoid coffee. Coffee beans can cause cramping and the caffeine will worsen your symptoms of diarrhea.
Foods that contain seeds should be avoided because they can become lodged in the diverticula pouches which can cause inflammation. Examples of seeded foods to avoid are nuts, popcorn, sesame seeds and poppy seeds.
You should also avoid processed foods because it puts pressure on the colon walls. When there is pressure on the colon walls, your stool becomes dry, which makes it harder to pass.