Chlorella to Help Cure Gangrene
circulation, which is then usually followed by decomposition. Gangrene is a serious
problem and should be addressed immediately. Chlorella is a good way to cure it. It's
properties are very effective in getting rid of the four types of Gangrene.
The four major types of gangrene our immune systems are susceptible are wet gangrene, dry Gangrene, gas gangrene and internal gangrene. Each kind is harmful and should be treated as quickly as possible.
Wet gangrene: A sudden interruption of blood flow, just as those that result from freezing, burns, injury or a blood clot. This type of gangrene spreads quickly and can result in fatality. The tissue affected by it can appear bruised, swollen or even blistered. It produces a foul-smelling odor.
Dry gangrene: Insufficient blood flow through the arteries caused by possibly therosclerosis or blood clots. The affected area becomes cold and numb. Typically this type does not involve infection. The tissue being affected becomes shriveled, dark and dry.
Gas gangrene: Occurs if you have had a recent surgery or injury. Gas produced by Clostridia may create a crackling sensation when the area affected is pressed.
The bacteria quickly destroys the muscle and surrounding tissue. Swelling around the injury. First, the skin portrays a pale color which then fades into a dark red or purple color.
Internal gangrene: It is caused by an interruption of blood flow to the abdominal organs: intestines, gallbladder and appendix. Pain is persistent and severe, along with fever and gas in the tissue beneath the skin.
Function of Chlorella
Chlorella has been used as an affective health aid when curing Gangrene. It has been recognized as one of the most nutritionally potent whole food on planet Earth. Chlorella has many vitamins and minerals. It contains Beta-Carotene, which is an antioxidant that fights free radicals. It has the natural source of chlorophyll and 19 amino acids. Amino acids are crucial for regenerating tissues and cells. It has an astounding 60 percent superior protein. Contains most components of the vitamin B
complex. All of these are ingredients to beat gangrene.
Identifiying Chlorella
A green, single-celled freshwater micro-algae. It belongs to the phylum Chlorophyta.
Chlorella has a chemical structure similar to haemoglobin; our own red blood molecules. Chlorella is a natural, pure, and whole food. Chemical substances in Chlorella stimulated the production of interferon, which is a chemical natural to the body which protects cells against viruses. Sodium free, lactose free, and gluten free. Contains no filters, binders, preservatives, colorings, or flow agents. It always grows in fresh water and is one of nature's most abundant storehouse of chlorophyll.
Effects of Chlorella
The use of Chlorella brings clean blood that assures metabolic wastes are efficiently taken away from the tissues. Chlorella is a great source to boost your immune system, which is key to fighting infections, such as gangrene. Chlorella has immune enhancing qualities along with the anti-viral effect of chlorophyll. The use of Chlorella helps reproduce cells at a faster rate, which stimulates healing. It contains a rich balanced source of many nutrients that are essential to health. This is good if you have suffered or are currently suffering from gangrene.