What Causes a Lesion on the Liver?
Sarcoidosis is one illness that can lead to the development of liver lesions. The cause is unknown, and there are often no symptoms.
Cystic Disease
In cystic disease of the liver, lesions can also be formed, as well as fluid-filled solid masses.
The most prevalent type of liver lesions are known as hemangiomas. They are most commonly found in women and are believed to be linked to changes in hormone levels.
Focal Nodular Hyperplasia
Another common type of abnormal liver tissue is a FNH--focal nodular hyperplasia. This is a benign, usually asymptomatic type of lesion that rarely requires surgery.
Yet another cause of liver lesions are adenomas, a fairly rare type of tissue. They are often associated with women who take oral contraceptives, and 10 percent of these types of lesions may be cancerous.