How to Get Ear Drops in Small Children
Ear drops are an unfortunate necessity when it comes to treating ear infections. Drops can help fight current infections and prevent new ones from developing. Successfully treating an ear infection requires that the drops be administered correctly; this is a difficult feat with wiggly children who may not understand the purpose of the medicine. Approaching the situation from the right perspective and having an idea of how to proceed can help you immensely in this task.Instructions
Talk with your child about the treatment. If he is old enough to understand the purpose of the medicine, you can convince him to be more cooperative by explaining why the drops are necessary.
Place a clean towel on your lap to catch any spilled drops.
Ask the child to lay his head in your lap, facing one side. If you have a very small child, you can simply place him in this position and hold his head steady with your free hand.
Warm the drops container by placing it in your armpit or holding it in your hand for a few minutes. Warm drops are more comfortable for children.
Fill the dropper with the correct dosage, as noted by the label instructions.
Pull the ear backwards as gently as you can. This opens the canal and makes it easier for the drops to hit their target.
Place the dropper over the ear and squeeze to drop its contents into the ear canal. Apply one drop at a time to allow air to escape from the ear.
Move the outer ear gently to encourage the drops to sink in. Ask your child to lie still for the length of time the label recommends.