Signs & Symptoms of Being Overly Fatigued
What It Is
Chronic fatigue is perceived by the sufferer as much more intense than simple tiredness. It becomes an impediment to his sense of well-being, as much an emotional and psychological problem as it is physical. Someone suffering from chronic fatigue often feels as if he simply cannot face the challenges of each day; he feels overtaxed by the simplest tasks and tends to retreat from family, friends and all responsibilities. Chronic fatigue doesn't come and go, but is experienced daily.
Symptoms of Fatigue
Fatigue, by its very nature, can also be a symptom itself, the outgrowth of some larger cause. Common fatigue can be brought on by something as simple as washing the car or jogging. Chronic fatigue, however, is more severe and is characterized by reduced energy, general physical loss of strength, continual sleepiness or physical exhaustion, decreased motivation, the inability to concentrate on even the simplest tasks, and difficulty beginning or completing projects. Some people suffering from fatigue also experience fainting spells, rapid heartbeat and vertigo.
Causes of Fatigue
Fatigue's causes can be difficult to diagnose, in large part because there are so many of them. Some cases are caused by metabolic changes brought on by anemia, kidney and liver disease, an imbalance in your body's electrolytes and hypothyroidism and diabetes. Infection, heart and lung problems, various medications, sleep disorder and your mental state also can contribute to chronic fatigue.
Prevention and Treatment
Preventing yourself from becoming overly fatigued may be as easy as getting a little more sleep or learning a few new relaxation techniques. Exercise also reduces stress and the fatigue that accompanies it. If you've recently begun taking a new medication prior to feeling fatigued, you should check with your doctor to see if fatigue is one of its side effects. Other things known to reduce fatigue include a healthy diet, reduction of alcoholic beverages and a regular sleep routine.