The Effects of Colors on Human Emotions
Colors that Calm
Green is known as a calming color. So easy on the eyes that it can actually improve vision, green is associated with nature, youth and safety. Hospitals often paint their walls green to help calm their patients. Its sister, blue, will slow your metabolism if you look at it long enough. It is linked in nature with water and sky and with the ideas of coolness, tranquility and intellect. Another calming color is pink, the color of romance, which can denote friendship, gentleness, sensitivity and passivity.
Colors that Stimulate
No color is more stimulating than the bold color red. Red makes your heart rate and blood pressure increase. A highly symbolic color, it's associated with blood, fire, danger, passion, courage and anger all at once. It also increases appetite. Yellow, on the other hand, inspires cheerfulness and alertness. It is known to stimulate mental activity but when overused can become irritating. Combining qualities of both colors, orange increases the oxygen supply to the brain and can encourage creativity. It is associated with sunshine, health and energy.
Black and White
Famous for their symbolism of good and evil, these antithetical shades are the most neutral of all colors in their ability to combine and set off any other color. Black is the color of elegance, mystery and death. It can connote grief, prestige or strength. Its opposite, white, represents simplicity, cleanliness and innocence. Some people dislike white, associating it with doctors and sterility. Others connect it to the ideas of goodness --- angels, for instance, wear white --- and faith.
Other Colors
Appearing rarely in nature, purple has long been considered a color of mystery and royalty. It has both cooling qualities, like blue, and stimulating qualities, like red. Purple is a favorite of children and though now associated with femininity, but it traditionally is associated with wealth, power, wisdom and magic. Brown is the color of the earth; a favorite color of men, it generally connotes stability and strength but also occasionally sadness.