Fatigue, Stress & Concentration Factors
Physical Exhaustion
Insufficient sleep over an extended period of time can cause fatigue and affect concentration.The lack of energy will make it harder to carry out everyday tasks, which can lead to stress as the workload builds up. A lack of concentration makes simple tasks seem more complex.
Mental Exhaustion
This can be caused by a heavy workload that cannot be completed in the time available. Working long hours and failing to make time for rest and relaxation will cause mental strain. In the short term, it is possible to cope with the stress of this high pressure, but in the long term, it leads to health problems. Mental exhaustion can also be caused by trying to meet impossible deadlines or achieve targets without the right tools or resources.
Stress at Work and Home
Excessive change at work can be stressful and hard to manage. Uncertainty about future employment or one's ability to perform to the required standard can lead to stress, which reduces the ability to handle the situation. Stress at home can be due to difficult relationships with a partner or children. Even changes that are due to positive events can cause stress and exhaustion. Moving to a new home or getting married are both common causes of stress, lack of concentration and fatigue.
Ill Health
Suffering from a chronic disease reduces energy levels, and the medication used to treat the illness may also have an effect on concentration. Increased stress levels may also be triggered by the ill health of a family member or close friend. Taking care of a sick relative can be very tiring and stressful.
Short Term Coping Strategies
In situations such as getting married or moving, the pressure is short lived. Where there is no end in sight, it is necessary to get help to manage the symptoms. Talking to a trusted friend can help. In more extreme cases, counselling might be advisable. If the pressure is caused by too heavy a workload or too many commitments, then learning to prioritize can reduce the problem.
Long Term Changes
Lifestyle changes are needed to permanently to reduce fatigue, to manage the stress and increase concentration. Eating a healthy diet helps the body to manage better. Adding regular exercise can be an effective way to reduce stress. This can range from the soft sports such as yoga or tai chi, to energetic sports such as running or swimming.