How to Remove the Air From a Syringe
Insert the tip of the syringe into the medicine or liquid that you will be injecting into yourself. Draw up more than your dose calls for. For example, if you are suppose to give yourself 10cc of medicine, draw up 12 to 13cc. By the time you remove the air bubbles, you will have the appropriate dosage of medicine.
Hold the syringe vertically, with the tip facing the ceiling. Air in the syringe will rise to the tip from the suction pressure created when drawing the liquid up. Tap the side of the syringe to help any air bubbles stuck to the inside of the tube rise to the top.
Depress the plunger slowly, to release any large air bubbles. Some of the medicine will squirt out of the tip. The air bubbles will be also be released upon depression. Push the liquid out of the syringe until the medicine is at your prescribed dose.
Tap the side of the syringe again to make any other smaller air bubbles rise to the top. Slowly press the syringe again to push that air bubble out of the tip. There should be no air in the syringe at all. If there is, repeat this step.
Give yourself the injection, per the instructions from your doctor or nurse.