Signs & Symptoms of Exposure to Mold Spores
If you find yourself exposed to an allergenic mold, and you have a preexisting mold allergy, you may encounter allergy-related symptoms as your immune system begins working overtime. You may experience itchiness, sneezing, congestion and burning eyes, and you may develop rashes on your skin.
Respiratory Problems
You do not need to have allergies to experience respiratory symptoms. If you breathe in excessive mold spores, you can develop respiratory infections, experience difficulty breathing and develop lung inflammation conditions like hypersensitivity pneumonitis.
Though this technically falls under the umbrella of respiratory problems, asthma sufferers should especially exercise caution in moldy environments. The presence of mold can contribute to an increase in the number and severity of asthma attacks. If you have noticed such an increase and suspect that you may have mold, vacate the environment immediately and contact a removal expert.
Sinus Infections
Mold can impact the sinuses much as it impacts the lungs and throat. When you breathe in mold spores through your nose, your nasal cavity can become infected, resulting in painful nasal congestion and difficulty breathing. Sinus and respiratory symptoms can impact anybody, but if you do not suffer from mold allergies, you will more likely encounter these symptoms from a pathogenic or toxigenic mold variety such as Stachybotrys or Aspergillus than you would from an allergenic (mild) variety like Cladosporium.
Symptoms of the Nervous System
Your central nervous system can also suffer as a result of mold exposure. Active molds produce gases known as microbial volatile organic compounds. Like all volatile compounds, these substances can affect your central nervous system, manifesting themselves as dizziness, loss of memory, headaches and disorientation.