What causes autoimmune disease?
1. Genetic Predisposition: Certain genes may predispose individuals to autoimmune disorders. These genes are often associated with the regulation of the immune system and immune responses.
2. Environmental Triggers: Environmental factors, such as viral or bacterial infections, toxins, chemicals, certain foods, or stress, can trigger an abnormal immune response, leading to the development of autoimmune diseases.
3. Molecular Mimicry: Some infectious agents or environmental substances may resemble the body's own tissues, leading to the production of antibodies or immune cells that mistakenly target the body's tissues, causing autoimmune reactions.
4. Dysregulated Immune Response: The immune system's normal function is disrupted, resulting in the loss of self-tolerance. Self-tolerance is the ability of the immune system to distinguish between "self" (the body's own tissues) and "non-self" (foreign invaders). When this distinction fails, the immune system can mistakenly attack the body's own tissues.
5. Hormonal Factors: Autoimmune diseases are more prevalent in women than in men, suggesting a potential role for hormones in the development of these conditions. Hormonal changes during pregnancy, puberty, and menopause may influence immune system function and increase the risk of certain autoimmune diseases.
6. Gut Microbiota Alterations: Disruptions in the balance and composition of gut microbiota (the microorganisms in the digestive tract) have been linked to various autoimmune disorders. Gut dysbiosis may affect the immune system's regulation and contribute to the development of autoimmune reactions.
It is important to note that autoimmune diseases have complex and multifaceted causes involving a combination of genetic susceptibility and environmental factors. The exact mechanisms and triggers that lead to the breakdown of self-tolerance and the development of autoimmune diseases are still subjects of ongoing research.