What Are the Treatments for Psoriasis of the Crotch Area?
Psoriasis Features
According to the National Psoriasis Foundation, psoriasis in the genital region usually appears as dry red sores on the skin. Unlike other types of psoriasis, genital psoriasis doesn't normally appear scaly.
Psoriasis is caused by an improper immune response to the body's own skin cells. This over-aggressive attack leads to a cycle in which new cells travel to the skin surface too quickly and dead cells and debris build up to irritating levels.
Treatments for Mild Psoriasis
Several OTC and prescription medications are available to treat mild genital psoriasis. These include coal tar, salicylic acid, calcipotriene, and tazarotene. Several steroid creams are available, but higher-potency steroids are usually not recommended for the genital region.
Treatments for Moderate Psoriasis
Along with topical treatments, moderate psoriasis can also be treated with light therapy, in which the area is exposed to ultraviolet light. The UV rays slow the rate of skin cell growth and help relieve symptoms over time.
Treatments for Severe Psoriasis
Severe genital psoriasis is usually treated in the same way as moderate psoriasis except when the psoriasis is present in other body regions. In that case, certain immunosuppressant drugs such as T-cell blockers are available to slow the body's inflammatory response.
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