Shingles Identification
Shingles is identified by a rash that appears as a band of blisters. The rash can occur anywhere on the body, but it often radiates from the mid back around to one side of the chest.
Frequently, only one side or one section of the body is affected by the shingles symptoms. In addition to a rash and pain, itching, oozing blisters, fever, chills, headaches, fatigue, and overall achiness can occur.
Skin sensitivity, numbness, and tingling may be the beginning signs of shingles. The head, stomach, neck, face, leg, and arm are usually first affected.
Stomach pain, diarrhea, and tenderness in the lymph nodes may occur. The pain is frequently intense and is often described as a burning sensation.
Eruptive Stage
When the rash is visible, redness, blisters, and swelling may accompany the painful eruption. The rash can endure from three to five weeks.
Occasionally, severe pain where the rash had been and a weakened immune system may endure after the outbreak has subsided.