Is Bruising a Symptom of Fibromyalgia?
Skin Problems and Fibromyalgia
No one understands exactly why fibromyalgia affects the skin. Fibromyalgia, however, does confuse the brain's ability to process pain signals, and this may factor into common skin problems such as allodynia.
The American Heritage Medical Dictionary defines allodynia as, "Pain that results from a non-injurious stimulus to the skin." Fibromyalgia patients with allodynia often report swelling and bruising.
Bruises occur when small blood vessels break near the surface of the skin, usually caused by a fall or a blow. Easy bruising has different causes, and a medical professional should be consulted if it becomes severe.
What Contributes to Bruising
Medications such as corticosteroids and aspirin can thin the blood or skin and cause bruising. Supplements such as fish oil, often recommended to fibromyalgia patients, also can act as blood thinners.
How to Cope
Wearing protective clothing and avoiding activities that will lead to hard blows will reduce the risk of bruising. Medications may need to be adjusted for severe bruising; however, never stop taking any medications or supplements without first talking with a doctor.