What Effect Do Parasites Have on Your Body?
Cause of Human Parasites on the Body
Parasites can cause tissue and cell damage, extreme illness and possible death.
Why Parasite Cause Damage
Parasites feed on our nutrients and food supply and extended infestations may result in damage.
Ridding the Body of Human Parasites
Both medicines and homeopathic remedies are available for ridding the body of human parasites.
Symptoms of Human Parasites
Symptoms include diarrhea, constipation, loss of appetite, joint and muscle aches and pains, skin conditions, granuiomas, sleep disorders, nervousness, teeth grinding, chronic fatigue, immune dysfunction, allergy and anemia.
Diagnosing Human Parasites
Diagnosis is generally made through a stool analysis. A string test may also be performed by your doctor. A string is swallowed and then pulled back up. The string is then analyzed with the stomach contents that have attached to the string.