Home Remedies for Human Parasites
Home Remedies for Parasites
Cloves have long been used for many medicinal purposes, and when it comes to remedies for human parasites, the clove is one of the best. For one an excellent homepathic remedy, purchase black walnut hull tincture, clove capsules, wormwood capsules, and organic apple juice at your heath food store. Mix 30 drops of black walnut hull tincture with a glass of apple juice. Take 1 clove capsule and 1 wormwood capsule with mixture. Repeat for three times daily for seven days. Increase the dosage by 1 capsule of clove and 1 capsule of black wormwood, beginning the second week and continue three times daily for the duration of the second week. Beginning the third week, again increase the dosage by 1 clove capsule and 1 wormwood. Continue taking the mixture and capsules for the next three months. This is an excellent remedy that is widely used and excellent for ridding parasites within the body.
Parasite Kits
When choosing an off the shelf cleansing kit, look for kits that come with all the ingredients pre-mixed. Take into consideration, that while the prepared kit may seem to be more expensive, the homemade and shelf kit have their advantages. Choose one that is gentle to the system and that has little or no side effects.