The Best Internal Colon & Parasite Detox Cleanse
Homemade Kits
If you want to use a homemade kit, find one that has ingredients such as bentonite and psyllium husk, which are natural fibers that aid in moving waste through the body. Bentonite will actually attach itself to toxic compounds and free radicals that are in the body during your colon cleanse, helping them to make their way out of the colon.
Look Around Your House
Natural ingredients found in your kitchen cupboard can also be used. Cumin seeds are an excellent way to clean out your colon. Simply mix two tablespoons of ground cumin seeds, add a pinch of asafetida with some rock salt, a few drops of lemon, and eat at once. This is a surefire way to clean you out quickly.
Another great cleanser is baking soda. Just mix in equal parts of plain water and baking soda. If that is a bit too strong for you, then try it with coriander juice, fresh buttermilk and a dash of ground cumin.
When It's Time for a Cleanse
Internal colon cleanse and detox are performed to maintain health. If you have one or more of the following symptoms, it is time for a cleanse:
1. Frequently tired and low in energy
2. Gas
3. Irritability, mood swings
4. Occasional constipation
5. Protruding belly
6. Protruding abdomen
7. Powerful food cravings
8. Bloating
9. Bad breath and foul-smelling stools