Postpartum Hypothyroid Symptoms
Postpartum hypothyroid symptoms are common across the world.
Thyroid Gland
The human thyroid gland is located in low in the throat, acting as a hormonal regulator for metabolism throughout the body. Working properly, the brain and thyroid gland assure that proper levels of hormone circulate throughout the body, assisting in heart rate and organ functions (See Resource 1).
Causes of Hypothyroidism
Occasionally, the gland is damaged and fails to release enough thyroid hormones, drastically slowing metabolism. Most damage causing hypothyroidism is autoimmune, meaning the thyroid is wrongly identified as an enemy by the immune system. Antibodies are released to attack it, and the thyroid gland swells in response. The resultant swelling prevents the body from releasing enough hormone.
According to a July 16 2009 article on Endocrine Web by Dr. James Norman, parathyroid expert and surgeon, symptoms of postpartum hypothyroidism result from low metabolism, forcing the body to work slowly in order to function. Symptoms start in the first few months after giving birth. Affected women will experience low-energy, fatigue and depression and often feel colder than normal. Additionally, mothers may become constipated with muscle cramps, be incapable of losing weight and have difficulty with short-term memory.
Hypothyroidism causes the body to release high-levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) in an effort to increase hormonal circulation, but the thyroid cannot respond and levels remain low. According to a report from the Thyroid Society for Education and Research (TSER), from February 2008, the condition can be diagnosed when high levels of TSH are coupled with low levels of the thyroid-produced hormone T4.
Left alone, most mothers will recover from this condition within a few months. However, 25 percent of patients experience permanent or recurring hypothyroidism.
Once-daily levothyroxine pills will control uncomfortable symptoms and can be used as a permanent solution for ongoing conditions. Levothyroxine is safe for breast-feeding mothers and has few side effects.