Diet for Candidiasis
Colon Cleanse
Clean out the digestive tract and remove any stored waste material from your colon. Visit health food stores to investigate the variety of colon cleansing products that range from capsules to powders and shakes. Psyllium husk, a dietary fiber available in tablet and powder form added to water, taken once or twice a day will help to clear the colon of unwanted stored waste.
All forms of sugar need to be eliminated to prevent the candida bacteria from reproducing. Avoid sugary beverages (including alcohol), fruits, candy and other sweets, including all sweeteners like maple syrup, honey, agave nectar and organic raw sugar.
Refined Flour
Refined flour quickly turns to sugar once it has been digested. As with consuming sugary foods, ingesting refined flour also feeds Candida in the body, helping the bacteria to reproduce. Avoid breads, cookies, cakes, crackers, and processed cereals made with white flour. Opt for products made with whole wheat flour as a healthier alternative.
Mold is present in a variety of foods, contributing to Candida reproduction. While it does not provide food for Candida, it does create an ideal environment for the bacteria to grow. Foods high in mold to be avoided include nuts, nut butters such as peanut butter, and all types of cheese.
Since candida is a type of yeast, consuming yeast and yeast products disrupts the ability to eliminate it from your system. Ingesting yeast can also enable more of the bacteria to enter the body. Avoid all bread, cake and other baked goods.
Whole Foods
One of the main culprits for candida build up is processed foods. It is important to adjust your diet to steer away from processed foods and consume food as close to its natural form as possible. Lean protein-rich beef, poultry, fish and pork contain very little sugar. Steer clear of lunch meats and other processed meats, e.g., hot dogs and bacon. These contain sugars and chemicals that foster Candida growth. Load up on vegetables. Some vegetables, due to their low sugar content, starve the bacteria and inhibit yeast growth. These include cucumber, cauliflower, turnips and brussel sprouts. Avoid starchy vegetables that are higher in sugar content such as potatoes, corn, squash and sweet potatoes.
Include two to three servings of yogurt with live cultures as a part of your daily routine. Yogurt contains "friendly" bacteria that fights the Candida fungus. If you don't like yogurt, get some probiotics from your local health food store.
Flaxseed Oil
Consume one to two tablespoons of Flaxseed oil each day. It not only fights free radicals and harmful bacteria, but helps to maintain optimal functioning of the organs and glands throughout the body. Flaxseed oil increases immunity and resistance to the Candida bacteria.