Body Cleansing Machines
Colonic Irrigation Units
Colonic irrigation units flush all three sections of the large intestines with purified water. The water supply enters the colon through a tube and rinses away yeast, toxins, parasites and fecal impactions. Water temperatures can be varied strategically to target certain foreign entities. For example, varying the water temperature can open up the illeocecal valve between the small and large intestines, removing hard-to-reach toxins. A typical 45-minute session can remove as much waste material from the colon as 20 bowel movements. Colonic irrigation is one of the most effective machines for removing toxins. Often, people with autoimmune diseases and cancer use colonics.
Ion Cleanse Foot Baths
Ion foot baths purport to remove heavy metals, toxins and viruses from different body organs and tissues. The charged ions, both positive and negative, target cells that are out of balance, such as those laden with viruses or toxic chemicals. Sessions can last 10 to 15 minutes for children, or up to 35 minutes for adults. The color of the water determines from which area of the body the toxins were removed. For example, an orange hue means the joints have been detoxed. These units can relieve stress, increase energy levels, improve sexual health, lower body pH levels, treat acne and rid the body of potential diseases. Ion foot baths are not recommended for pregnant women, people with pacemakers, epileptics or those who use blood thinners.
Steam Saunas
Steam saunas employ heat and moisture to rid the body of toxins and viruses through the skin pores. Viruses are vulnerable to higher temperatures. Cells and organs laden with toxins are weaker and succumb to the heat. Sauna units help people sweat out many of the chemicals absorbed from soaps, lotions and deodorants. Drug users often use them as part of their detoxing routine. The average session is 20 to 30 minutes. Today's infrared units are more comfortable than the older coal units, which can reach 150 to 200 degrees. Some units use heat bulb technology.
Massage Chairs
Some of the newer massage chairs work all areas of the body. For example, the shoulder massage stimulates the lymphatic system and removes toxins. Units also use programmed reflexology techniques to increase blood flow, enhancing the body cleansing process. The chairs also use acupuncture technology to pinpoint certain organs for toxic cleansing.
Where To Use And Purchase Units
Ion foot baths and sauna machines can be used at spas. Chiropractors and reflexologists sometimes use massage chairs. Colonics are usually administered by licensed colon hydrotherapists. .
Retail stores often carry ion cleanse foot baths. The cheapest ion foot baths are about $250. Saunas can be purchased at kitchen and bath showrooms; units usually start at $2,500. Hospital or medical supplers carry massage chairs, which usually cost more than $4,000. They also carry gravity and pump colonic irrigation units, which start at $300. These units can also be purchased through online dealers.