Diet for Fibromyalgia Sufferer
Without Stimulant
Fibromyalgia is a condition that involves abnormal response of nerve endings. Including products in the diet that aggravate those nerves will just make the condition worse. Aspartame and additives such as MSG (monosodium glutamate) and nitrates can stimulate the system and cause reactions. Another stimulant to consider is caffeine. In addition to coffee, caffeine is in tea, cola drinks and chocolate. Read labels carefully to avoid these stimulants.
Many symptoms, including fatigue, stomach upset and headaches, are the same in both gluten intolerance and fibromyalgia. Some with fibromyalgia have found relief of their symptoms by avoiding gluten, a complex protein found in wheat, rye and barley. To avoid gluten, eliminate bread, pasta and baked goods from your diet. Also check ingredients of other prepared foods (like sauces and soups) to make sure they are gluten-free. There are many products now available in grocery stores that are made with rice instead of wheat.
Fruits & Vegetables
Fruits and vegetables provide excellent nutritional value. They are complex carbohydrates and high in vitamins. There has been, however, a link between nightshade fruits and vegetables and arthritis. Since fibromyalgia is considered a form of arthritis, keeping these foods from the diet may help improve symptoms. Tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant and peppers are in the nightshade family.
Junk Food
Avoid processed foods which contain additives and artificial ingredients. Many packaged foods are also high in excess sugar and salt which change blood sugar and blood pressure levels, increasing fatigue. High-sugared beverages, like soda, have no nutritional value and should not be included in a fibromyalgia diet.
Every person with fibromyalgia has slightly different symptoms. There may be severity in one symptom over another so it will be necessary to adjust the diet accordingly. Experiment by adding and removing foods one at a time from the diet to see if it makes a difference. Once the right balance in the diet has been reached for an improvement of overall health, try to stick with it as much as possible.