Exercises for Adrenal Fatigue
What is adrenal fatigue?
There are two adrenal glands that are triangular and cap each kidney. Their role is to release cortisol during times of stress, to trigger the fight or flight response. This brings blood to the large muscles and heart so a mother can suddenly lift a car off her injured child---in a moment of superhuman strength.
The problem is when this response is activated from emotional or mental stress and the cortisol remains in the blood instead of being dissipated such as in the example above. Stress management and other lifestyle changes can help.
What is restorative yoga?
Restorative yoga is using yoga poses that allow you to rest completely so that the heart rate and central nervous system are not hyped up. There are forms of yoga that are very athletic that do the opposite.
For example, Judith Hanson Lastaer, Ph.D., P.T., author of Rest, Restore, Renew, is an Iyengar-certified yoga teacher who teachers worldwide. Her restorative yoga workshops instruct people to slow down to reduce stress.
Yoga exercises for adrenal fatigue
Lie on a folded blanket or towel that is set against the wall. Swing your feet up onto the wall and straighten the legs, keeping the knees bent slightly. Lower the arms down by your sides, palms facing up. Support your neck with a pillow. Rest here with an eye pillow over the eyes in Viparita Karani ("Legs-Up-the-Wall" pose).
Savasana or "Corpse" pose can be done lying flat with a small pillow or rolled blankets placed under the knees, neck and a thin blanket draped over the body. Resting in savasana for 10 minutes daily reduces the heart rate.
Both of these poses allow the adrenal glands to rest as it is impossible for the fight or flight response to be in motion if the heart rate is lowered.